12 Surya Namaskar Mantras, aka Sun salutation chants, are an essential component of Surya Namaskar, making it a spiritual practice. It is prominent because it is called the ‘King of Yoga’ by great yogis. Surya Namaskar is a very systematic technique that combines the twelve asanas in a yoga sequence.
The solar plexus (located behind the navel, the central point of the human body), also known as the second brain, is connected to the Sun.
This is the main reason why the ancient rishis recommended the practice of Surya Namaskar because the regular exercise of this technique increases one’s creativity and intuitive abilities.
The Surya Namaskar Mantras help create this harmony between your physical cycle and that of the Sun. Chants called Sun Salutation Mantras may accompany the Surya Namaskar. These chants bring balance to the body, breath, and mind.
Om Suryaya Namaha’ means ‘Dispeller of darkness.’ In essence, it means we worship the Sun for giving us light.
Below Are The Surya Namaskar Mantras With Their Meanings:
Om Mitraaya Namaha | Praise be to the one who is the friend of all |
Om Ravaye Namaha | Glory be to the one who shines brightly |
Om Suryaaya Namaha | Praise be to the one who eliminates darkness and brings in light |
Om Bhaanave Namaha | Praise be to the one who is filled with brilliance and lustre |
Om Khagaya Namaha | Glory be to the one who traverses the entire sky |
Om Pooshne Namaha | Praise be to the one who provides nourishment and fulfil desires |
Om Hiranyagarbhaaya Namaha | Glory be to the one with a golden-hued lustre |
Om Mareechaye Namaha | Glory be to the one who shines with the light |
Om Adityaaye Namaha | Praise be to the one who is the son of the divine cosmic mother |
Om Savitri Namaha | Praise be to the one who gives life |
Om Aarkaaya Namaha | Praise be to the one who is worthy of all glory |
Om Bhaskaraaya Namaha | Praise be to the one who is wise and illuminates the heavenly world. |
Importance Of Surya Namaskar Mantras
Similar to the particular sequence of 12 poses followed in Surya namaskar, the mantras are also chanted in a specific manner.
12 Surya Namaskar Mantras are chanted in Sanskrit. The middle term of each mantra between ‘Om’ and ‘Namah’ is one name of the Sun God. Every sound of the Sun God’s name contained the vehicle of raw energy represented by the Sun itself.
Below are the Surya Namaskar Mantras and the importance of each step. You should Inhale and Exhale through the nose while practising Surya Namaskar Yoga.
1. Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)
ॐ मित्राय नमः |
Om Mitraaya Namaha
Meaning: One who is friendly to all. “Mitraye” is a Sanskrit term derived from the root term “Mitra”, referring to “friend.”
The importance of the Asana:
- Pranamasana helps maintain the balance of the body.
- Relaxes the nervous system
2. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
ॐ रवये नमः।
Om Ravaye Namaha
Meaning: In this position, Sun is being called on by its Hindi synonym, “Ravi”, which means “shiny”. Hence, the mantra is translated as, The shining one, the radiant one.
The importance of the Asana:
- Hasta Uttanasana stretches and tones the muscles of the abdomen.
- The entire body is stretched and opened up receiving the strength and energy from the Sun.
3. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
ॐ सूर्याय नम:।
Om Suryaya Namaha
Meaning: Suraya has been derived from Surya, the name given to the Sun to be praised as a ‘Hindu God responsible for moving the day and life on Earth. The dispeller of darkness is accountable for generating activity.
The importance of the Asana:
- Hasta Padasana makes the waist and spine flexible.
- Stretches the hamstrings.
- It also develops groundedness and balance for equally sharing the energizing properties of the Sun.
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
ॐ भानवे नमः।
Om Bhaanave Namaha
Meaning: “Bhanave” is again derived from the Hindi synonym of the Sun, “Hanu”. It means the one which serves as the source of light. This translates the mantra as ”one who illuminates or the bright one.”
The importance of the Asana:
- It makes the spine and neck flexible.
- Good for indigestion, constipation, and sciatica.
- Keeping the head and gaze up in this pose signifies the removal of mental blocks, fears, and negativity, and the overcoming of limitations.
5. Dandasana (Stick Pose)
ॐ खगाय नमः।
Om Khagaya Namaha
Meaning: “Khag” is a Hindi term that refers to the one who resides in the sky. Therefore, it addresses the Sun due to its moving position in the sky throughout the daily hours. This shloka translates the mantra as One who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky.
The importance of the Asana:
- Improves posture.
- Stretches the shoulders, chest, and spine.
- Calms the mind.
- chanting this mantra in the fifth position the practitioner becomes a conduit with the earth and the sky requesting the passing of time with respect to the Sun to be kind to all.
6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute With Eight Parts Pose)
ॐ पूष्णे नमः।
Om Pooshne Namaha
Meaning: The term “Pooshne” is derived from the term “Poshan”, which means “Nourishment” This shloka translates the mantra as a Giver of nourishment and fulfilment.
The importance of the Asana:
- Strengthens the back muscles.
- Reduces tension and anxiety.
- we seek energy and nourishment from the Sun
7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः।
Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha
Meaning: “Hirangarbh” is a composite term formed by combining “Hiran” (deer) and “Garbha” (womb). One who has a golden-coloured brilliance
The importance of the Asana:
- Increases flexibility.
- Elevates mood.
- Invigorates the heart
8. Parvatasana(Mountain Pose)
ॐ मरीचये नमः।
Om Mareechaye Namaha
Meaning: “Marich” is another synonym for Sun which means “rays of light” Since the Sun brings forth the dawn. Thus, this mantra has a translation that conveys the Giver of light with infinite rays.
The importance of the Asana:
Increases blood flow to the spinal region.
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)
ॐ आदित्याय नम:।
Om Aadityaaya Namaha
Meaning: The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine mother.
The importance of the Asana:
- Ashwa Anchalanasana tones the abdominal organs.
- Adds flexibility to leg muscles.
- It inculcates the true wisdom to discriminate between what is real from unreal.
10. Hasta Padasana (Hand to Foot Pose)
ॐ सवित्रे नमः।
Om Savitri Namaha
Meaning: One who is responsible for life. The Sun shows two of its state throughout the daily hours, the sunrise and sunset. Before sunrise, it is known as “Savitr” in Hindi or Sanskrit.
The importance of the Asana:
- It opens the hips, shoulders, and arms.
- It stretches the hamstrings.
11. Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)
ॐ अर्काय नमः।
Om Arkaaya Namaha
Meaning: One who is worthy of praise and glory.
The importance of the Asana:
It stretches and tones the muscles of the abdomen.
12. Tadasana (Standing or Palm Tree Pose)
ॐ भास्कराय नमः।
Om Bhaskaraya Namaha
Meaning: Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination.
The importance of the Asana:
- Strengthens thighs, knees, and ankles.
- Relieves sciatica.
These traditional Surya Namaskar practise by incorporating these 12 Surya Namaskar mantras with their meaning. Chanting loudly or in the mind is the choice of the practitioner. However, the benefits will remain the same.
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