300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Do you want to take your yoga skills to the next level? If yes, then join our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. This is an advanced course that will enhance your yoga knowledge and practice, making you much more confident to effectively teach a variety of students.

Our best 300 hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh will help you achieve a real yogic lifestyle with continuous learning and practice. The primary purpose of this course is to provide knowledge about multi-style yoga therapy and mastery of lesson plans. So, people who have completed the 200 hrs Yoga TTC are eligible to take this course and improve their yoga skills for a better career in the field of yoga teaching.

After completing this course, you will be able to teach beginners, intermediate, and advanced-level students with full confidence and clarity. Also, you will be eligible to take 500 hours of YTTC, which will make you capable of teaching yoga anywhere in the world.

Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram is one of the best advanced-level 300 hour yoga training centers in Rishikesh. At Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram, the 300 hour YTT course will enhance your personality day by day, and you will start feeling changes inside. Join this course and become a certified 300 hour yoga instructor with Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram. Embark on a journey of the best yoga teacher training with us in the beautiful land of Rishikesh.

Objectives Of Our 300 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh India

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
  • Advanced Asanas Practice: During 300 hr yoga teacher training course, you will practice advanced asanas poses in this course and feel the effects on your different body parts.
  • Stress-Free Life: Stress can be detrimental to your well-being. At our best 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, we provide you with the tools to manage stress effectively and regulate your emotions. Learn effective techniques to achieve inner peace and balance with our expert guidance.
  • Overall Health Improvement: Our 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course can lead to overall health improvement in participants by promoting physical fitness, mental well-being, and stress reduction. The course includes intensive yoga practice, which can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as meditation and pranayama techniques to enhance mental clarity and reduce stress.
  • Enhance Yoga Skills: Our 300 hr yoga teacher training course will take your yoga skill to the next level. This course will boost your internal energy and provide confidence to become a successful yoga teacher.
  • Better Career Growth In Yoga: With the completion of this course, you can start your career as a Yoga teacher and make a fruitful future in the same. You have a great opportunity because people nowadays are recognizing the real power of yoga.
  • Ability To Teach People: After completing this 300 hour Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, you will be able to teach any students who may be beginners, intermediate, or experts with confidence and proper techniques.
  • Confidence Building: When you complete this course, you will see the confidence boost inside you, and you can start your yoga classes without any help from others.

Syllabus Of 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

This initial session begins with theoretical knowledge about yoga and is the base of this 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. This session provides you with basic knowledge about yoga and its origin so that you can understand everything about it. After completion of this session, you will be able to communicate about yoga, its origin, and its effects on the human body. This session will make you find your answers about the emotional and spiritual life.

You will study the following in this session:

  • Basics of Yoga (History & Origin)
  • Study yogic theories and ideas
  • 6 Methods of the Indian contexts
  • Introducing Hatha Yoga- Mudra, Panch
  • Learn About Koshas, Panch Vaayus, Bandha
  • Enhance mind thinking power
  • Negative and positive aspects of Yoga

Refers to the combination of Physiology + Psychology of yoga practices. This session includes a deep level of understanding of the human body. In this, you will gain the necessary knowledge about the working of human body systems and the advantages of yoga practices on them.

You will learn the following:

Modern Medical Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • Definition of Health
  • Introduction to body systems
  • Difference between yoga exercise and physical culture
  • Yoga Injuries and Pains

Anatomy and Physiology

Students will learn the relevance and application of these foundational principles of human anatomy to the practice of yoga.

  • Cell and Tissue
  • Nervous System
  • Endocrines system
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Lymphatic system
  • Respiratory system
  • Digestive system
  • Urinary system
  • Reproductive systems

Effect of Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga

  • Subtle aspects of the human body from a yogic perspective.
  • How a particular practice effect our body systems
  • Which kind of practices have to avoid in certain health conditions

This session of 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is an excellent mixture of Hatha & Ashtanga Yoga. Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga and the two main pillars of modern yoga. One is about the alignment of soul, body, and mind, whereas the other is about time flow. This session is specially made to provide a perfect balance between the two.

You will learn the following:

  • In this session, the advanced form of asanas will be taught, which you learned in 200 YTTC.
  • Learn various yoga postures like a dynamic, standing, inverted, twisting, backbend, forward bend, balancing, relaxation postures, and many more
  • Feeling the yoga postures effects on various body parts
  • Training of Ashtanga Vinyasa – Primary and Secondary sets

In general, pranayama is the control of your breath. So, in this session, you will learn about multiple pranayama postures and techniques to control or direct breathing appropriately. With the help of this, you can control your mind and body with the power of the breath.

You will practice the following:

  • In-depth study of Prana and lifestyle
  • Ethics of Pranayama
  • Learning Abdominal, Thoracic, Yogic, and Clavicular breathing techniques
  • Practicing various Pranayama like Nadi Shodhana, Kapalbhati, Sheetali, Bhramari, etc
  • Emotion control with breathing and much more
  • Importance of breathing control and its benefits

Meditation can help to improve mental and physical health, and it can be used to improve focus and concentration, and it can also help to increase creativity and clarity of thought. So, in our meditation session, you will learn the significance and procedure to perform meditation/Dhyana.

This session will include the following:


  • Introduction and Definition
  • Mechanisms of Meditation
  • Ways to Begin
  • Time for Meditation
  • Preparing for Meditation
  • Place of Meditation
  • Challenges in Meditating
  • The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Meditation


  • Mind according Ancient and Tradition belief
  • Mind according to Modern Science
  • Modern Psychology
  • What is Dharna ? ( Concentration ) Types of Dharna
  • What is Dhyana ?( Meditations) Types of Meditations
  • Benefits of meditation
  • Types of Awareness
  • Techniques to control mind


Preparation practice for Meditation

  • Yoga Asana for Prepare the body for the meditation
  • Pranayama to preparation for meditation
  • Fundamental

Meditation Teachings based
Meditation Techniques by Lord Shiva –Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
Meditation techniques by Lord Krishana –Bhagavad Gita
Meditation by Lord Patanjali –Patanjali Yoga Sutra

Short Meditation Techniques

  • Pancha Dharana ( Five Elements)
  • Sthula Dhyana (Gross Mediation )
  • Sukshma Dhyana (Subtle Mediation)
  • Guided Meditation
  • Science and Art of Mediation
  • Mantra Sadhana ( Meditation on Sound Vibration)
  • Mind Sound Resonance Techniques
  • Antar Mona ( Inner silence )
  • Ajapa japa
  • Kundalini and Chakra Meditation

Advance Mediation Techniques

  • Prana shakti Sadhana : Pranic Energisation Technique (PET)
  • Nada Mantra Sadhana : Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT)
  • Kalpana Shakit Sadhana : Mind Imagery Technique (MIRT)
  • Bhava Sadhana : Mastering The Emotions Technique (MEMT)
  • Vijnana Sadhana Kausala (VISAK) : Empowering Intelligence Technique
  • Pramananda Jivana : Science of living in Eternal Joy
  • Ananda Jnana : Happiness Analysis

In our 300 hour yoga TTC in Rishikesh, our shatkarma session is a powerful and effective class that help student to learn different yogic cleaning techniques to cleanse and purify the body. It involves a series of specific yogic activities that help to remove toxins from the body.

In this course, you will learn three Shatkarma practices:

  • Jala Neti (Nasal cleansing with water)
  • Sutra Neti (Nasal cleansing with thread or rubber)
  • Kapal Bhati (Frontal brain shining)
  • Agni Saar

Mantra Chanting is one of the most simplest forms of yogic activities. There's no need for any special equipment or props - just your voice and your breath but in proper modulation and control. In this YTTC course, we will teach you this art of Mantra Chanting and different mantras that you can chant, each with its own unique meaning and purpose.

You will cover the following in this session:

Mantra Yoga

  • What is mantra yoga?
  • Mantras and Primal Sounds
  • Mantras and classical Yoga
  • History of mantra yoga
  • Vowels : the prime vibrations of Consciousness
  • Consonants : the twenty five consonants : The Power of manifestation
  • The Three Types of Mantras – Beja, Saguna, Nirguna
  • Why do we chant mantras?
  • Science behind mantra Yoga
  • Mantra as universal vibration
  • Benefits of mantra yoga
  • Type of doing japa yoga with mala
  • Mantra yoga for woman, during menstruation, during pregnancy, after menopause
  • Environment for mantra yoga
  • Preparations for mantra yoga
  • What is difference b/w mantra sadhana in male and female
  • Mantra and Chakras
  • Mantra and kundalini
  • Mantra and mind
  • Mantra and Intelligence
  • Mantra with Surya Namaskara ( Sun Salutations )
  • Mantra with Chandra Namaskar ( Moon Salutations )
  • Mantra with Pranayama
  • Mantra and Meditation
  • Mantra and Consciousness
  • Types of mantras : Ekashari, Dvakshari, Sadakshari, Ashtakshari
  • Level of Chanting the Mantras
  • Ways of chanting of mantra
  • Mantras of desired results like child, wealth and health
  • Relaxing mantras
  • Stimulating mantras : Energizing mantra
  • Mantras and five elements like fire, water
  • Mantra and Sanskrit the language of Gods
  • Three types of basic sounds
  • Mantra and Religion
  • Mantra Yoga as therapy for management of diseases

Yoga Nidra is an expression used to describe the highest state of consciousness. Although it means yogic sleep, it's actually a wakeful state of deep introversion. In this session, we will teach you some basic concepts and provide some pointers to reach that highest level of consciousness.

You will cover the following in this session:

  • Concept of Yoga Nidra and its signification
  • Preparation of Yoga Nidra
  • Various Posture during Yoga Nidra
  • Meditative Yoga Nidra techniques

Teachings Methodology in 300 hour yoga teacher training comprises different aspects of yoga teaching that are required to consider to meet the specific needs of individuals and groups.

Here we will teach you the following teaching methodologies in this course:

Teaching Methodology for Our Yoga TTC Course

  • Demonstration of All Practice
  • Group discussion
  • Group Practice
  • Individual Attention
  • Assignment writing and presentation
  • One to one discussion
  • Theory Lectures
  • Practical Sessions
  • Review classes
  • Class arrangement and management
  • Lesson planning
  • Model lesson Plans

Teaching Methodologies to improve the Teaching Skills of Future Yoga Professionals

  • Communication skills Enhancement Techniques
  • Time management
  • Establishment of priorities and boundaries
  • Principles of Teaching Yoga
    • Demonstration
    • Observation
    • Assisting
    • Correcting
  • Qualities of a Good Yoga Teacher
  • Business aspects of teaching yoga
  • Maps of Alignment
  • Use of Language and Voice
    • Lecture and discussion on active vs. passive language and the effective use of each
    • Positive and conscious communication
    • habitual speech and communication patterns

With 300 hour yoga teacher training course, we have included a comprehensive module called Yogic Nutrition that teaches students about the yoga philosophy with respect to food. In addition, 300 hour YTT students will learn a brief glimpse of how different food items affect the predominant dosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).

This module includes the following:

  • Introduction to food and nutrition
  • Understand the relevance of Yamas and Niyamas and their applicability to one's diet
  • Learn about the Sattva Guna
  • Understand the fundamentals and dietary guidelines of a Sattvic Diet
  • What should be there in a balanced healthy meal?
  • Learn about the Tamasic and Rajasic yoga diet
  • Learn how to create Yoga Diets for your students

This module includes the following:

  • Pancha Mahabhutas – Five Great Elements
  • Pancha Kosa – Five Layers of Human Existence
    • Annamaya Kosa - Physical Body
      • Introduction to Anna Maya kosa
      • Pancha Karma Indriyas – Five Organs of Action
      • Pancha Jnana Indriya –Five Sense Organs
      • Pancha Tanmatra – Five types of Perception
    • Pranamaya Kosa - Energical Body
      • Introduction to Pranamaya kosa (Energy Body)
      • Pranas Vayus (Life types Forces )
      • Nadis (Energy Channels)
      • Chakras (Energy Centres)
      • Kundalini (Serpent Power)
      • Aura 9
      • Energy (Modern Science and Scientific evidence)
      • Cosmic Energy

    • Manomaya Kosa (Mental & Emotional Body)
      • Introduction to Mind
      • Cosmic mind and individual mind
      • Functions of Mind
      • Aspects of mind
      • Mental Aura or Psychic Aura
      • Parts of Mind

    • Vijanamaya Kosa (Intellectual Body)
      • Introductions to Vijanamaya Kosa
      • Inner growth and personal development
      • Way to freedom from thoughts, actions, and speech
      • Presence and Evolution of Morals and Ethics
      • knowledge, discernment and wisdom
      • Vedanta ( Teaching of Vedas )

    • Anandamaya Kosa ( Bliss Full Body)
      • Introductions to Anandamaya Kosa
      • Happiness Analysis
      • Yoga and Consciousness
      • Supreme Bliss
      • Self-Realization and Enlightenment

This module includes the following:

  • Yogic Principles
  • Psychological Principles
  • Anatomico-physiological Principles
  • Educational Principles
  • Social Principles

This module includes the following:

  • Science and Art of Relaxation
  • Avartan Dyana – Cycling Meditation
  • Instant Relaxation Technique
  • Quick Relaxation Technique
  • Deep Relaxation Technique
  • Advance stages Yoga Nidra Sessions
  • Body Scan relaxation Technique
  • Mind Imagery relaxation Technique
  • Himalayan yoga Nidra : 61 Points Relaxation Techniques
  • Sangita shanti : Deep Relaxation with Music


  • Parts of the Human Body
  • Mapping the Human Body
  • Skeletal Tissues
  • Skeletal Osteology: Study of the Bones
  • Bones of the Human Body


  • Skeletal Arthrology: Study of the Joints
  • Joint Action Terminology
  • Classification of Joints
  • Joints of the Axial Body
  • Joints of the Lower Extremity
  • Joints of the Upper Extremity
  • Limitations of Joints


  • Myology: Study of the Muscular System
  • Anatomy and Physiology of Muscle Tissue
  • How Muscles Function: the Big Picture
  • Types of Muscle Contractions
  • Roles of Muscles
  • Determining the Force of a Muscle Contraction
  • The Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body
  • Types of Joint Motion and Musculoskeletal Assessment
  • The Neuromuscular System
  • Posture and the Gait Cycle
  • Stretching
  • Principles of Strengthening Exercise

Hatha Yoga has Seven Limbs called Saptanga. We are teaching Hatha yoga in most Authentic way based yoga on Natha Yoga Parampara - Lineage of Natha Yogis and Ancient Scriptures like Hatha yoga Pradipika, Hatha Ratna Vali, Gheranda Samhita, Gorkha Shatakam and Siddha Sidhanata Padhati. Our School is teaching Hatha Yoga to the students in the most effective, safe and Beneficial way.

Neti: cleansing and purifying the nasal passages.

  • jala neti
  • sutra neti


  • Agnisara dhauti (Agnisar kriya) - activating the digestive fire
  • Vaman dhauti (Kunjal ) - cleansing the stomach with water

Nauli: massaging and strengthening the abdominal organs.

Basti: Techniques for washing and toning the large intestine

  • Sthal Basti (dry yogic enema)

Kapalbhati: techniques for purifying the brain

  • Vyutkrama Kapalabhati (air cleansing)
  • Vyutkrama Kapalabhati (sinus cleansing)
  • Sheetkrama Kapalbhati (mucous cleansing)

Trataka: develops the power of concentration.

Theoretical Practicum of Yoga Asanas Teaching

  • Introduction to Yogasana
  • Animal postures
  • Yoga Asanas and Prana
  • Yoga Asanas and kundalini
  • Yoga Asanas and the body-mind connection
  • Yogasana and exercise
  • Dynamic and static yoga asanas

Teaching Mythology Practicum of Yoga Asanas

  • Breathing techniques during asanas
  • Awareness in yoga Asanas
  • Sequencing of yoga postures
  • Counter pose
  • Contra-indications
  • Physical Benefits
  • Spiritual Benefits
  • Therapeutic Benefits
  • Modifications and Variations

Practical Module Yoga Asanas

Multi Style Yoga Styles – Yoga asana Teaching styles:

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Iyengar Yoga
  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Category of Yoga asanas ( Yoga Postures )

  • Relaxation Yoga Asanas
  • Meditation Yoga Asanas
  • Cultural Yoga Asanas
  • Transition Yoga Asanas

Classical Hatha Yoga Yoga Asanas

  • Netra Yoga - Yoga for the Eyes

Pawanmuktasana Series

  • Part 1 : Anti-rheumatic Group
  • Part 2: Digestive/Abdominal Group
  • Part 3: Shakti Bandha Asanas

Cultural Yoga Asanas

  • Vajrasana Group of Asanas
  • Standing Asanas
  • Surya Namaskara: Sun Salutations
  • Chandra Namaskara: Moon Salutations
  • Core Strengthening Yoga Asanas
  • Padmasana Group of Asanas
  • Hip Opening Asanas
  • Kneeling Asanas
  • Backward Bending Asanas
  • Forward Bending Asanas
  • Spinal Twisting Asanas
  • Lateral Bending Asanas
  • Inverted Asanas
  • Balancing Asanas

Hasta (hand mudras)

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Chinmaya Mudra
  • Adi Mudra
  • Brahma Mudra
  • Nasika Mudra
  • Nasagra Mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra for Male
  • Bhairavi mudra for Female
  • Hridaya mudra

Mana (head mudras)

  • Vipareeta karani mudra
  • Unmani Mudra

Kaya (postural mudras)

  • Shambhavi mudra
  • Nasikagra drishti
  • Khechari mudra
  • Shanmukhi mudra
  • Yoga Mudra

Adhara (perineal mudras)

  • Ashwini Mudra

  • Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock)
  • Moola Bandha (perineum lock)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock)
  • Maha Bandha (the great lock)

  • Methods of internalizing the mind
  • Techniques to concerning Six Enemies

Prana Shakti Sadhana :Mastering and Expansion of life force

Advance stages of Pranayama with Bandhas, Mudras and and Mantras

Pranayama Teaching Mythology

  • Pranayama as Physical Exercise
  • Pranayama as Mental Exercise
  • Pranayama as purifier to Body, Nadis and Mind
  • Pranayama as means of raise Kundalini Shakti to Sahasrara

Pranayama Theoretical Practicum

  • Philosophy of Prana and Pranayama
  • Secrets unlock the subtle perception and experience of prana
  • Preliminary Breathing Practices
  • Awareness of the Subtle Breath
  • Guidelines for Pranayama
  • Asanas Relevant to Pranayama
  • Mudras Relevant to Pranayama
  • Bandhas Relevant to Pranayama

Four Main aspects of pranayama

  • Pooraka
  • Rechaka
  • Antar kumbhaka
  • Bahir kumbhaka

Prana and Mantra

  • Use of mantra in pranayama

Physiology of Respiration and Pranayama

Physiology of Breathing

  • Respiratory structure
  • Inner structure of the lungs
  • Respiratory muscles
  • External respiration
  • Internal respiration
  • Lung volume and capacity

Respiratory control

  • Respiratory control structure
  • Factors influencing respiration

Yogic Physiology of the Nose

  • Physiology of the nostrils
  • Link with mooladhara ( Root Chakra )
  • Nostrils and Acupuncture
  • Science of swara yoga (Nasal dominance)
  • Factors affecting nasal dominance
  • Nasal cycles and brain hemispheres
  • Nasal obstruction and nose care

Benefits of Pranayama

Physical benefits of Pranayama Systems of Body

  • Respiratory system
  • Digestive and eliminatory system
  • Cardiac system
  • Nervous system

Psychological benefits of Pranayama

  • Power of concentration
  • Experience of higher consciousness

Research on Breath and Pranayama

Pranayama as therapy

  • Physiological Disorders
  • Psychological Disorders
  • Psychosomatic Disorders

Pranayama Practice Practicum

Pre-Pranayama Training

  • Conscious Breathing
  • Basic Breathing Methods

List of Pranayama

Both Nostril Pranayama

  • Vibhagiya Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama (bellows breath)
  • Ujjayi Pranayama (psychic breath)
  • Bhramari Pranayama (humming bee breath)
  • Udagita Pranayama

Cooling Pranayama

  • Sheetali Pranayama
  • Sheetkari Pranayama
  • Kaki Pranayama
  • Sadanta Pranayama

Balancing Pranayama

  • Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
  • Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

Single Nostril Pranayama

  • Surya Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
  • Chandra Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
  • Chandra Bhedana Pranayama
  • Surya Bhedana Pranayama

Vitalizing Pranayamas

  • Swana Pranayama (panting breath)

Breath Holding Pranayama

  • Anataraga Pranayama
  • Bahiranga Pranayama
  • Morcha Pranayama
  • Karna Rogantak Pranayama

  • Sthula Dhyana
  • Jyoti Dhyana
  • Sukshma Dhyana
  • Nada Aun Sadhana


  • Origin of Ayurveda
  • Philosophical orientation of ayurveda
  • The tridosha theory

Constitution and consciousness

  • Prakriti: the constitution
  • Manas prakriti: the Constitutional influence Upon mind
  • Triguna manas: the qualities of the mind
  • Manas: The mind
  • Citta: Consciousness
  • Three Desires

Ayurvedic threefold approach

  • Determining one’s elemental constitution (dosha or prakriti)
  • Learning the elemental cause of illness (vikiti)

Concept of body as per Ayurveda

  • Qualities of the Three Doshas
  • Sthana: residence of the dosas
  • Kala: Timing of the dosas
  • Tridosa lakshanas: symptomology of the dosas
  • Caya and kopa: increase and vitiation of the dosas
  • Agni: The Fire Of Digestion And Metabolism
  • The sub-dosas: subdivisions Within each dosa
  • Sapta Dhátus – The 7 types of Body Tissues
  • Ojas: the vital essence
  • Tri Malas – The 3 types of body waste
  • Ama: toxins and wastes
  • Rasa: The six tastes
  • Srotasmi: The Channels Of The Body

Analyzing Constitutions and Diseases

Ayurvedic Living

  • Dinacharya - The daily regimen
  • Ritucharya - seasonal regimen

Dharnia Vega- Non-Suppressible Urges

Adharniya Vega- Non-Suppressible Urges

Become a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance certified School in Rishikesh, India.

Our Flexible Daily Schedule For 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

The 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram follows a strict schedule in compliance with USA Yoga Alliance standards. Per day 8 Hours of intensive but instructive training are allocated for different concepts of yoga as per the curriculum, helping you learn and gain the benefits of yoga and meditation.

Time Activity
5.30 AM Herbal Tea
6.00 AM – 7.30 AM Hatha Yoga Asanas
7.45 AM – 8.45 AM Pranayama Shat Kriyas
9.00 AM – 10.00 AM Breakfast
10.30 AM – 11.30 AM Yoga Anatomy
11.45 AM – 12.45 PM Alignment & Adjustment
Time Activity
1.00 PM – 1.30 PM Lunch
3.00 PM – 4.00 PM Yoga Philosophy
4.15 PM – 5.45 PM Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow Session
6.00 PM – 7.00 PM Meditation & Relaxation
7.15 PM – 8.00 PM Dinner
9.30 PM – 5.20 AM Lights Off ( Sleeping Time )

Note: Daily schedule of yoga teacher training courses is subject to change depending on the course curriculum and weekend activities.

Our Course Fees Structure For 300 Hour Yoga TTC In Rishikesh, India

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
1 Jun - 29 Jun 2024 $1190 $1390 $1590 Enroll Now
1 Jul - 29 Jul 2024 $1190 $1390 $1590 Enroll Now
1 Aug - 29 Aug 2024 $1190 $1390 $1590 Enroll Now
1 Sep - 29 Sep 2024 $1190 $1390 $1590 Enroll Now
1 Oct - 29 Oct 2024 $1190 $1390 $1590 Enroll Now
1 Nov - 29 Nov 2024 $1190 $1390 $1590 Enroll Now
1 Dec - 29 Dec 2024 $1190 $1390 $1590 Enroll Now

Note: We offer a 100 USD Early Bird Discount to yoga aspirants who book our yoga TTC at least 3 Months before advance booking.

Eligibility Criteria For 300 Hour YTTC In Rishikesh, India

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

This 300 hours Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is specially designed for those who have already taken our 200 hour yoga teacher training course. The 200 hours course is necessary because it contains the fundamentals of yoga, which everybody should know before learning advanced-level yoga techniques. So, register for 200 YTTC first, and then you can take the full benefits of 300 hours yoga teacher training course.

Besides, here are the following criteria that are required to fulfill to join our 300 hour yoga TTC in Rishikesh:

  • Only those candidates who are above 18 years and have RYT-200 certificate can join the 300 hour yoga TTC.
  • Good understanding of the English language as the classes will be delivered in English.
  • Students must have all the required documents for the admission formalities, like passport-size photographs, identity proof, etc.

Learn More About Our 300 Hour YTTC In Rishikesh, India

300 Hour YTTC In Rishikesh

FAQs - 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

Yoga Therapy Course In Rishikesh

The prerequisites for our 300 hour YTT course in Rishikesh include a minimum of 200 hours of a yoga teacher training course certification, a personal practice of at least 1 years, and a recommendation from a certified yoga instructor.

Our 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh is spread over four weeks, with six to seven hours of classes each day.

Upon successful completion of the 300 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, you will receive a Yoga Alliance USA certification that will allow you to teach yoga classes. This is a professional-level certification and is well respected in the yoga community.

300 Hour Yoga TTC Testimonials from Our Students In Rishikesh, India

300 Hour YTTC Student Reviews

I had the best experience at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram, Rishikesh. The wide availability of courses gave me the best option for choosing the one, and with the help of the best guidance, I was able to learn it. Initially, I was a little scared because I knew absolutely nothing but the teachers were patient with me throughout, and that's why the learning process became a wonderful experience.

” Lucy, London “

300 Hour YTTC Student Reviews

Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram at Rishikesh provides the best 300-hour YTT. There are many such YTTs, but Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram has an edge due to the way the teacher conducts training and available best courses. When we talk about yoga teacher training, then it becomes essential for students to have the best teacher, which would fulfil the prime aim of it and fulfil the basic criteria Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram does its best.

“ Rowan, Berlin “

300 Hour YTTC Student Reviews

The 300-hour YTT at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram, Rishikesh, was beneficial to me at a very personal level. It was the best. The space, the way asanas, pranayama techniques, and the spiritual importance of yoga were taught was terrific! The basic importance of yoga, why do we need it? To all the questions, you will certainly get all the answers. Therefore personally, It was the best experience.

” Harry Christiano, Switzerland “

300 Hour YTTC Student Reviews
Contact Best Yoga School In Rishikesh CALL US ENROLL NOW