200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

We at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram offer a specialized 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training course in Rishikesh and many other parts of the globe, affiliated with Yoga Alliance USA. Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh, India is created focusing on Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga posture along with the core concept of yoga and meditation required for a deep understanding of its teaching methodologies and implementation.

Our 200 hour yoga teacher training curriculum in Rishikesh is one of the long-run yoga courses, ideal for beginners looking for a career in yoga. This course has a perfect blend of theoretical and practical yoga sessions, which will strengthen the understanding of various basic concepts and fundamentals of yoga. For a basic overview, our 200 hour YTT curriculum includes understanding human anatomy & physiology, yoga philosophy, asanas practices, yoga sutras, pranayama, meditation, teaching methodologies, mantra chanting, and more. With this comprehensive curriculum, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to teach yoga confidently and deepen your practice.

Moreover, our 200-hour Yoga Alliance-certified course will help you rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. And after successfully completing our 200 hour Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, you can start your yoga center and even make your career in the same. The ultimate goal of our 200 hour yoga teacher training is to bring out the best in you so that you make the world a better place. Therefore, if you are looking to obtain a certificate that makes you eligible to enroll as a 200 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance USA, through our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification in Rishikesh program, please connect with us by email or phone.

Additionally, we also offer a 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course for those who may not have the time to commit to a 200-hour program. Our 100 hour Yoga TTC course covers the basics of yoga, including asanas, pranayama, meditation, and yoga philosophy, and is designed to help you establish a strong foundation in your yoga practice. If you are interested in completing our 200 hour yoga teacher training course but are unable to do so in one go, you can also complete your 200 YTTC by completing our 100-hour YTTC twice.

Objectives Of Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
  • Balanced Lifestyle: Our 200 hour YTTC will encourage a balanced lifestyle by implementing knowledge of yoga for a healthy body & mind.
  • Chance Of Self-Discovery: You will get a chance to self-explore yourself through yoga and meditation.
  • Deepen The Yoga Practice: You will deepen the understanding and practice of authentic and traditional yoga for soulful living.
  • Learn Teaching Methodologies: This comprises various teaching methods, both traditional and modern, to handle large masses appropriately.
  • Solid Foundation Of Yoga Basics: After completion of the course, you will have a solid foundation in theoretical and practical aspects of Yoga Asanas, Philosophy, Pranayama, and Meditation.
  • Become 200 Hour RYT: After completing 200 hour yoga teacher training course at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram, you will be awarded Yoga Alliance 200 Hour YTT certificate and become an internationally recognized yoga teacher who will help themselves and society to live a better life.

Syllabus Of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Yogic cleansing or Shatkarma practices are a must for the deep cleansing of the body. These techniques also help you to purify the mind and body for proper breathing and to meditate effectively. In addition, yoga cleansing techniques also remove the blockage in the energy channels and purify them.

In this course, you will learn three Shatkarma practices:

Shatkarmas - Six Yogic Cleansing and detoxification Techniques

1 . Neti: cleansing and purifying the nasal passages.

  • jala neti
  • sutra neti

2. Dhauti:

  • Vahnisara dhauti (Agnisar kriya) - activating the digestive fire
  • Vaman dhauti (Kunjal ) - cleansing the stomach with water

3. Nauli: massaging and strengthening the abdominal organs.

4. Basti: Techniques for washing and toning the large intestine

  • Sthal Basti (dry yogic enema)

5. Kapalbhati: techniques for purifying the brain

  • Vatkrama Kapalbhati (air cleansing)
  • Vyutkrama Kapalbhati (sinus cleansing)
  • Sheetkrama Kapalbhati (mucous cleansing)

6. Trataka: develops the power of concentration.

The 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh will include a session on yoga philosophy. The session will be led by a qualified yoga instructor, who will also be available to answer any questions you may have. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about yoga philosophers and deepen your understanding of this ancient practice.

Our yoga philosophy sessions cover the following:

  • History and origin of yoga
  • Study yogic ideas and theories
  • Introduction to Hatha Yoga- Mudra, Bandha, Panch Koshas, Panch Vaayus
  • 5 basic elements
  • Six systems of Indian Yoga Philosophy
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutra

Theory: Yoga Philosophy

  • Introduction to Yoga
  • Definition of Yoga
  • History of Yoga
  • Goal of Yoga
  • Myths and Missconcepts about Yoga
  • Styles of Yoga
  • Essence of Bhangwad Gita and Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  • Concept of Diet in Yoga
  • Concept of Diet in Yoga Foundations of Yoga
  • Traditional Texts

Karma and reincarnation

  • The law of action and reaction
  • The law of compensation
  • The law of retribution
  • Destiny and self-effort

Four Paths of Yoga

Practice for complete personality development into Daily Life.

Raja Yoga

Raja is the science of psych control. Raja Yoga is mastery over the mind through systematic channelize of our willpower. Culturing the mind is the key for success on almost all endeavors in our lives. It is based on the astanga yoga of patanjalis yoga system.

  • Introduction Bhakti Yoga
  • Objectives
  • Methods – Bahirranga Yoga
  • Antaranga Yoga
  • Hurdles and Solutions
  • Qualities and Outcome
  • Advanced Raja Yoga
  • At the time of death
  • Essence of Raja Yoga

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is art of doing an action in complete state of relaxation. Karma Yoga is skill of doing an action.

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Tamas to Rajas
  • Rajas to Sattva
  • Essence of Karma
  • Conflicts
  • Secrets of Karma Yoga
  • Master Karma Yogi
  • Ultimate Merger
  • Essence of Karma Yoga

Jnana Yoga

Jnana Yoga is the path of wisdom and knowledge. The path of intellect which raises us from the lowest level of perfection.

  • Introduction to Jnana Yoga
  • Objectives
  • Eligibility
  • Dimensions of reality
  • Qualities of a Jnani
  • Tools for Growth
  • Higher Dimensions
  • At the time of Death
  • Ultimate Goal of Practicing Jnana Yoga
  • Essence of Jnana Yoga

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is the science of emotional Culture. Bhakti is the art of transforming negative emotions such as grief, hatred, grief, Jealously, selfishness into positive emotions like love, joy, bliss, compassion, kindness, empathy, satisfaction and devotion. In Bhakti the devotee seek the god everywhere and every being at all the time with universal love and equanimity.

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Kama to Prema
  • Prema to Bhakti
  • Saguna Saksatkara
  • Nirguuna Saksakara
  • Ultiate Meger
  • Essence of Bhakti Yoga

Yoga is all about body, mind and soul so it become essential to study human anatomy and how different yogic activities affect our body and mind. In this session, 200 hour YTTC student will get to know how yoga or this course can help them to know their body.

The major topics we cover in this session will be:

  • Learn about the human body and how it works in relation to yoga
  • Develop a deeper practice by learning about correct alignments
  • The importance of learning yoga anatomy
  • Understand common injuries and how to avoid them

Modern Medical Human Anatomy and Physiology

  • Definition of Health
  • Introduction to body systems
  • Difference between yoga exercise and physical culture
  • Yoga Injuries and Pains

Anatomy and Physiology

Students will learn the relevance and application of these foundational principles of human anatomy to the practice of yoga.

  1. Cell and Tissue
  2. Nervous System
  3. Endocrines system
  4. Blood cardiovascular system
  5. lymphatic system
  6. Special Senses and Skin
  7. Respiratory system
  8. Digestive system
  9. Urinary system
  10. Resistance and immunity
  11. Muscular system
  12. Reproductive systems

Detailed study

  1. Skeleton System
  2. Classification of Joints
  3. The movements of Joints
  4. Limitations of Joints

Effect of Anatomy and physiology of Yoga

  • Subtle aspects of the human body from a yogic perspective.
  • How a particular practice effect our body systems
  • Which kind of practices have to avoid in certain health conditions

During 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram, our yoga teacher will teach you various asanas by combining the beautiful asanas of Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga. In this 200 hour YTT course, you will also learn the techniques to practice these asanas more effectively and smoothly. In addition, our yoga teachers will also teach you the benefits of each asana.

Yoga Asanas

Theoretical Practicum of Yoga Asanas Teaching

  • Introduction to Yogasana
  • Animal postures
  • Yogasanas and Prana
  • Yogasanas and kundalini
  • Yogasanas and the body-mind connection
  • Yogasana and exercise
  • Dynamic and static yogasanas

Teaching Mythology Practicum of Yoga Asanas

  • Breathing techniques during asanas
  • Awareness in yoga Asanas
  • Sequencing of yoga postures
  • Counter pose
  • Contra-indications
  • Physical Benefits
  • Spiritual Benefits
  • Therapeutic Benefits
  • Modifications and Variations

Practical Module Yoga Asanas

Multi Style Yoga Styles – Yoga asana Teaching styles:

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Iyengar Yoga
  • Vinyasa Flow
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Category of Yoga asanas ( Yoga Postures )

  • Relaxation Yoga Asanas
  • Meditation Yoga Asanas
  • Cultural Yoga Asanas
  • Transidtion Yoga Asanas

Classical Hatha Yoga Yoga Asanas

Netra Yoga - Yoga for the Eyes

Pawanmuktasana Series

Part 1 : Anti-rheumatic Group

Part 2: Digestive/Abdominal Group

Part 3: Shakti Bandha Asanas

Cultural Yoga Asanas

  • Vajrasana Group of Asanas
  • Standing Asanas
  • Surya Namaskara: Sun Salutations
  • Chandra Namaskara: Moon Salutations
  • Core Strengthening Yoga Asanas
  • Padmasana Group of Asanas
  • Hip Opening Asanas
  • Kneeling Asanas
  • Backward Bending Asanas
  • Forward Bending Asanas
  • Spinal Twisting Asanas
  • Lateral Bending Asanas
  • Inverted Asanas
  • Balancing Asanas

Astanga Vinyasa Curriculum

Theoretical Practicum of Astanga Vinyasa Yoga

  • History of Astanga Vinyasa Yoga
  • Benefits and Limitations of Astanga Vinyasa Yoga
  • Astanga Vinyasa Mantras ( Opening and Closing Prayers )
  • Nava drishtis - The nine traditional gazing places
  • Bandhas : Yogic Locks
  • Awakening The Fire Within : Vinyasa - Movement Breathing System
  • The Victorious Breath • Ujjayi Breathing

Practical Practicum of Astanga Vinyasa Yoga

Nava drishti - The nine traditional gazing places

Nasagra Drishti - the space just beyond the tip of the nose

Bhrumadhya Drishti - the space between the eyebrows

Nabhi chakra drishti - to the navel center

Hastagram Drishti - the hands or tips of the fingers

Padayoragram Drishti - feet or the tips of toes

Parsva Drishti - Left Side

Parsva Drishti - Right Side

Angusthamadhyam Drishti - the middle of the thumb

Urdhva Drishti - upward or outward


Standing Balance Posture

Surya Namaskara A – 9 Vinyasa

Surya Namaskara B – 17 Vinyasa

Ashtanga Yoga Fundamental Asana

  1. Padangushtasana
    Thumb to foot pose
  2. Pada hastasana
    Hand to foot pose
  3. Utthita Trikonasana
    Extended triangle pose
  4. Parivritta Trikonasana
    Revolved extended triangle pose
  5. Utthita Parshvakonasana
    Extended sideway angle pose
  6. Parivritta Parshvakonasana
    Revolved extended sideway angle pose
  7. Prasarita Padottanasana (A, B, C & D)
    Spread feet stretching pose
  8. Parshvottanasana
    Sideways stretching pose
  9. Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana
    Extended triangle pose
  10. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
    Half bound lotus stretching pose
  11. Utkatanasana
    Uneven pose
  12. Virabhadrasana (A & B)
    Warrior pose

Yoga Chikitsa (Primary Series / 1st Series)

  1. Dandasana (Chaturanga Dandasana)
    Four-Limbed Staff Pose (staff means spine, body support)
  2. Paschimattanasana ( 3 types A, B, C & D )
    West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose
  3. Purvatanasana
    East-Front (extended-intense) stretching pose
  4. Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimattanasana
    Half bound lotus forward pose
  5. Trianga Mukhaekapada Paschima
    One foot transversely facing back forward stretch
  6. Janu Shirshasana (A, B & C)
    Head to knee pose
  7. Marichyasana (A, B, C & D)
    Marichya (Ray of light (of sun or moon)) pose
  8. Navasana
    Boat pose
  9. Bhujapidasana
    Arm pressure pose
  10. Kurmasana
    Tortoise pose
  11. Supta Kurmasana
    Sleeping tortoise pose
  12. Garbha Pindasana
    Embryo in the womb pose
  13. Kukkutasana
    Roster pose
  14. Baddha Konasana
    Bound angle pose
  15. Upavishta Konasana
    Seated angle pose
  16. Supta Konasana
    Sleeping angle pose
  17. Supta Padangushtasana
    Lateral sleeping thumb to foot pose
  18. Ubhaya Padangushtasana
    Both thumbs to feet pose
  19. Urdhva Mukha Paschimattanasana
    Upward facing forward stretch pose
  20. Setu Bandhasana
    Bridge configuration (construction) pose
  21. Urdhva Dhanurasana
    Elevated bow pose
  22. Paschimattanasana
    West-Back (extended-intense) stretching pose

Ashtanga Yoga Finishing Positions

  1. Salamba Sarvangasana
    All limbs pose
  2. Halasana
    Plow pose
  3. Karnapidasana
    Ear pressure pose
  4. Urdhva Padmasana
    Elevated lotus pose
  5. Pindasana
    Embryo pose
  6. Matsyasana
    Fish pose
  7. Uttana Padasana
    Extended foot pose
  8. Shirshasana
    Head standing pose
  9. Baddha Padmasana
    Bound lotus pose
  10. Yoga Mudra
    Yoga gesture
  11. Padmasana
    Lotus pose
  12. Uth Pluthi (Tolasana)
    Sprung up
  13. Shavasana
    Corpse pose

Pranayama is an ancient breathing technique that has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being. The practice involves controlled breathing through the nose, which is said to help purify the body and calm the mind. In this session, you will learn many different pranayama techniques, each with its own benefits.

This session covers the following:

Pranayama Teaching Mythology

Pranayama Theoretical Practicum

  • Four Main aspects of pranayama
  • Prana and Mantra
  • Physiology of Respiration and Pranayama
  • Physiology of Breathing
  • Respiratory control
  • Yogic Physiology of the Nose

Benefits of Pranayama

  • Physical benefits of Pranayama Systems of Body
  • Psychological benefits of Pranayama
  • Research on Breath and Pranayama
  • Pranayama as therapy

Pranayama Practice Practicum

Pre-Pranayama Training

List of Pranayama

  • Both Nostril Pranayama
  • Cooling Pranayama
  • Balancing Pranayama
  • Single Nostril Pranayama
  • Vitalizing Pranayamas

List of Breathing Practices

  • Standing Positions
  • Sitting Positions
  • Supine Positions

Mantra Chanting is the concept of sounds and rhythm, which helps you eliminate the limits of your mind. Mantras chanting helps in discovering the hidden aspects of the human body. Moreover, it will improve your concentration & and thinking power. In this session, the our yoga teachers at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram will guide you step by step and make you learn various mantras and their benefits.

You will cover the following in this session:

  • Introduction to Mantra Science
  • How to sit properly during Mantra Chanting?
  • Practice Mantra with proper modulation
  • Discover hidden aspects of the human body with Mantra Chanting
  • Significance of Mantras
  • Morning & evening Mantra Chanting sessions

Yoga Nidra, or Psychic Sleep, is an excellent form of yoga to manage and cure stress, anxiety, and other mental health-related conditions. In this 200 hour YTTC, during the practice of Yoga Nidra, students will experience relaxation, which they can teach to their students after completion of the course.

You will cover the following in this session:

  • The basic concept of Yoga Nidra
  • Preparation of Yoga Nidra
  • Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Teachings Methodology in 200 hour yoga teacher training comprises different aspects of yoga teaching that are required to consider to meet the specific needs of individuals and groups.

Here we will teach you the following teaching methodologies in this course:

Teaching Methodology for Our Yoga TTC Course

  • Demonstration of All Practice
  • Group discussion
  • Group Practice
  • Individual Attention
  • Assignment writing and presentation
  • One to one discussion
  • Theory Lectures
  • Practical Sessions
  • Review classes
  • Class arrangement and management
  • Lesson planning
  • Model lesson Plans

Teaching Methodology to Improve Teaching skills future yoga professionals

  1. Communication skills Enhancement Techniques
  2. Time management
  3. Establishment of priorities and boundaries
  4. Principles of Teaching Yoga
    • Demonstration
    • Observation
    • Assisting
    • Correcting
  5. Qualities of a Good Yoga Teacher
  6. Business aspects of teaching yoga
  7. Maps of Alignment
  8. Use of Language and Voice
    • Lecture and discussion on active vs. passive language and the effective use of each
    • Positive and conscious communication
    • habitual speech and communication patterns

Meditation is a great way to relax and feel more calm. In addition, it has many other benefits, including reducing anxiety and improving concentration. So, during this session, our yoga teacher will also teach you different meditation exercises and ensure that you are doing the exercises correctly.

This session covers the following:

  • Meditation and its related-theroies
  • Different posture while meditation
  • Stress & emotion control with meditation
  • Benefits of meditation on physical and mental health
  • Practice of Mantra Chanting Meditation

1. Mudras - Yoga Gestures

  • Jnana mudra
  • Chin mudra
  • Chinmaya Mudra
  • Adi Mudra
  • Brahma Mudra
  • Nasika Mudra
  • Nasagra Mudra
  • Yoni mudra
  • Bhairava mudra for Male
  • Bhairavi mudra for Female
  • Hridaya mudra

2. Mana (head mudras)

  • Vipareeta karani mudra

3. Kaya (postural mudras)

  • Shambhavi mudra
  • Nasikagra drishti
  • Khechari mudra
  • Shanmukhi mudra

4. Adhara (perineal mudras)

  • Ashwini mudra

1. Introduction to Ayurveda

  • Origin of Ayurveda
  • Philosophical orientation of ayurveda
  • The tridosa theory

2. Constitution and consciousness

  • Prakrti: the constitution
  • Manas prakrti: the Constitutional influence Upon mind
  • Triguna manas: the qualities of the mind
  • Manas: The mind
  • Citta: Consciousness

3. Ayurvedic threefold approach

  • Determining one’s elemental constitution (dosha or prakiti)
  • Learning the elemental cause of illness (vikiti)

4. Concept of body as per Ayurveda

  • Qualities of the Three Doashas
  • Sthana: residence of the dosas
  • Kala: Timing of the dosas
  • Tridosa laksanas: symptomology of the dosas
  • Caya and kopa: increase and vitiation of the dosas
  • Agni: The Fire Of Digestion And Metabolism
  • The sub-dosas: subdivisions Within each dosa
  • Sapta Dhátus – The 7 types of Body Tissues
  • Ojas: the vital essence
  • Tri Malas – The 3 types of body waste
  • Ama: toxins and wastes
  • Rasa: the six tastes

5. Ayurvedic Living

  • Dinacarya: The daily regimen
  • Ritucarya - seasonal regimen

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga
  • Preparations for practice Kundalini Yoga
  • Benefits and limitations of Kundalini Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga and Supernatural power
  • Kundalini yoga and Brain functioning
  • Experiencing the Pranic and Physical Bodies
  • Mantra to Open Up Blockages in Your Life
  • Mudra to Open Up Blockages in Communication
  • Purification of Nadis ( Every channels )
  • Activation and balancing chakras
  • Method of awaken the Kundalini Yoga
  • How to safe and secure practice
  • Creating Positive field of Energy
  • Asanas for activation of chakras
  • Pranayama for kundalini Awakening
  • Mantra chanting for purification of Chakra
  • Sex and spirituality through Kundalini yoga
  • Healing the Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies
  • Regulate The Systems OfThe Body
  • Relief From Stress
  • Take Charge of the Energy of Life
  • Work On The Psyche Through The Spine
  • Creating Internal Balance

Bandhas - Yoga Energy Locks

  • Jalandhara Bandha (throat lock)
  • Moola Bandha (perineum lock)
  • Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock)
  • Maha Bandha (the great lock)

Relaxation and Rejuvenation Techniques

  • Avartan Dyana – Cycling Meditation
  • Instant Relaxation Technique
  • Quick Relaxation Technique
  • Deep Relaxation Technique
  • Yoga Nidra Sessions
  • Nada Anusandhana
  • Healing the Body-Mind Sessions
  • Chakra Healing Sessions
  • 31 Points Relaxation Techniques

Concentration and Meditation Techniques

  • Introduction and Definition
  • Mechanisms of Meditation
  • Ways to Begin
  • Time for Meditation
  • Preparing for Meditation
  • Place of Meditation
  • Challenges in Meditating
  • The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Meditation


  • Mind according to Ancient and Tradition belief
  • Mind according to Modern Science
  • Modern Psychology
  • What is Dharna? ( Concentration ) Types of Dharna
  • What is Dhyana ?( Meditations) Types of Meditations
  • Benefits of meditation
  • Types of Awareness
  • Techniques to control mind
  • Science and Art of Mediation
  • Techniques to develop concentration

Preparation practice for Meditation

  • Yoga Asana for Prepare the body for the meditation
  • Pranayama to preparation for meditation
  • Fundamental of Meditation

Meditation Teachings based

  • Meditation Techniques by Lord Shiva – Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
  • Meditation techniques by Lord Krishana – Bhagavad Gita
  • Meditation by techniques Lord Patanjali – Patanjali Yoga Sutra
  • Mediation by techniques Swatmarama – Hatha Yoga Pradipika
  • Meditation techniques by Osho

Meditation Techniques

  • Panchakosha Dhyana( Five Body Meditation
  • Pancha Dharana ( Five Elements)
  • Sthula Dhyana (Gross Mediation )
  • Sukshma Dhyana (Subtle Mediation)
  • Guided Meditation
  • Breath Awareness meditation
  • Mantra Sadhana ( Meditation on Sound Vibration)
  • Mind Sound Resonance Techniques
  • Antar Mona ( Inner silence )
  • Ajapa Japa
  • Chakra Purification and Balancing
  • Kundalini Meditation
  • Emotional Cleansing Meditation
  • Dynamic Mediation
  • Who I am mediation
  • Walking meditation
  • Music meditation

Yoga Sharira - Yogic Concept of Body

1. Pancha Mahabhutas – Five Great Elements

2. Pancha Kosa – Five Layers of Human Existence

  • Annamaya Kosa - Physical Body
    1. Introduction to Anna Maya kosa
    2. Pancha Karma Indirya – Five Organs of Action
    3. Pancha Jnana Indirya –Five Sense Organs
    4. Pancha Tanmatra – Five types of Perception
  • Pranamaya Kosa - Energical Body
    1. Introdction to Pranamaya kosa (Energy Body)
    2. Pranas Vayus (Life types Forces )
    3. Nadis (Energy Chennals)
    4. Chakras (Energy Centres)
    5. Kundalini (Serpent Power)
    6. Aura 9
    7. Energy (Modern Science and Scientific evidence)
    8. Cosmic Energy
  • Manomaya Kosa (Mental & Emotional Body)
    • Introduction to Mind
    • Cosmic mind and individual mind
    • Functions of Mind
    • Aspects of mind
    • Mental Aura or Psychic Aura
    • Parts of Mind
  • Vijanamaya Kosa (Intellectual Body)
    1. Introductions to Vijanamaya Kosa
    2. Inner growth and personal development
    3. Way to freedom from thoughts, actions, and speech
    4. Presence and Evolution of Morals and Ethics
    5. knowledge, discernment and wisdom
    6. Vedanta ( Teaching of Vedas )
  • Anandamaya Kosa ( Bliss Full Body)
    1. Introductions to Anandamaya Kosa
    2. Happiness Analysis
    3. Yoga and Consciousness
    4. Supreme Bliss
    5. Self-Realization and Enlightenmen

The Spinal Vertebral Column

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Vertebral Structure
  • Curve of Spinal Column
  • Joints & ligaments
  • Inter vertebrae
  • Types of Spinal Movement

Spinal Problems

  • Acute and Chronic Back Pain
  • Lumbar Spondylosis
  • Disc Prolapsed
  • Slipped Disc
  • Neck Pain

Spinal Deformity

  • Lordosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Scoliosis
  • Flat Back

Yogic Management of Diseases

  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Arthritis
  • Constipation
  • High Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Obesity

Yogic Management of Spinal Column Deformity

  • Lordosis
  • Kyphosis
  • Scoliosis

  1. Yogic Principles
  2. Psychological Principles
  3. Anatomico-physiological Principles
  4. Educational Principles
  5. Social Principles

Become a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance certified School in Rishikesh, India.

Our Daily Schedule For 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

The 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram follows a strict schedule in compliance with USA Yoga Alliance standards. Per day 8 Hours of intensive but instructive training are allocated for different concepts of yoga as per the curriculum, helping you learn and gain the benefits of yoga and meditation.

Time Activity
5.30 AM Herbal Tea
6.00 AM – 7.30 AM Hatha Yoga Asanas
7.45 AM – 8.45 AM Pranayama Shat Kriyas
9.00 AM – 10.00 AM Breakfast
10.30 AM – 11.30 AM Yoga Anatomy
11.45 AM – 12.45 PM Alignment & Adjustment
Time Activity
1.00 PM – 1.30 PM Lunch
3.00 PM – 4.00 PM Yoga Philosophy
4.15 PM – 5.45 PM Ashtanga Vinyasa Flow Session
6.00 PM – 7.00 PM Meditation & Relaxation
7.15 PM – 8.00 PM Dinner
9.30 PM – 5.20 AM Lights Off ( Sleeping Time )

Note: Daily schedule of yoga teacher training courses is subject to change depending on the course curriculum and weekend activities.

Our Course Fees For 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
3 Aug - 28 Aug 2024 $799 $999 $1199 Enroll Now
3 Sep - 28 Sep 2024 $799 $999 $1199 Enroll Now
3 Oct - 28 Oct 2024 $799 $999 $1199 Enroll Now
3 Nov - 28 Nov 2024 $799 $999 $1199 Enroll Now
3 Dec - 28 Dec 2024 $799 $999 $1199 Enroll Now

Note: We offer a 100 USD Early Bird Discount to yoga aspirants who book our yoga TTC at least 3 Months before advance booking.

Eligibility Criteria For 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
  • Only those candidates who are above 18 years can join the 200 hour yoga TTC.
  • No particular qualification or experience is mandatory for joining 200 hour yoga teacher training at our yoga school. It will be great and helpful if you have any prior experience.
  • Good understanding of the English language as the classes will be delivered in English.
  • Students must have all the required documents for the admission formalities, like passport-size photographs, identity proof, etc.

Learn More About Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

FAQs - 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

Yoga Therapy Course In Rishikesh

Our 200 hour yoga teacher training program is designed for those who have a passion for yoga and wish to deepen their practice as well as share their knowledge with others. The program includes all the components of yoga and its teaching methodologies, and upon completion, participants will be certified to run yoga classes around the globe.

To become a certified 200 hour RYT, you must first complete a 200 hour yoga teacher training course from a registered yoga school like Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram.

To book or enroll yourself in our 200 hour yoga teaching batch, you can fill out the registration form and submit it with the registration fees. This way, you will secure your seat and can join our school for 200 hours of yoga TTC in Rishikesh. For the details of inclusions and exclusions of this course, contact us.

Student Reviews On Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh

200 Hour YTTC Student Reviews

Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram provides an excellent 200-hour YTT. Our equipped teachers have undergone extensive training and offer an exceptional teaching experience. Each technique and asana is taught with great ease. As a beginner, I now feel like a professional, and credit goes to the renowned teachers of Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram, who provide the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh through their excellent teaching experience.

” Sylvia, USA “

200 Hour YTTC Student Reviews

It was my first 200-hour YTT experience with Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram, Rishikesh, and the reason behind their success is their consistent, sincere approach towards their wide range of courses and the best way of teaching. It's incredible how every time, they bring something new and innovative to the table. These techniques and pranayamas nourished me most beautifully.

“ Johnson, Africa “

200 Hour YTTC Student Reviews

I am a professional yoga teacher due to some personal reasons. For almost four years, I couldn't practise it, but 200-hour YTT with Omkar Aham Yoga Mandiram helped me a lot. I thought I would never be able to do it again, but the best teachers made it possible. This is just incredible. I recommend it.

” Adelita, Singapore “

200 Hour YTTC Student Reviews
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